I went down to the crossroads, tried to flag a ride.
Nobody seemed to know me, everybody passed me by.

Monday 11 April 2016


She sat on the terrace, watching the stars and the moon and wondered how far they were from each other, and from her. She closed her eyes and sighed. She felt his warm breath on her left shoulder. Suddenly conscious of his presence, she ran her fingers through his face once, just to be sure, remembering not to open her eyes, or he'd be gone again. Tonight, she couldn't risk it. She needed him. She kept her eyes shut as her lips curved into a half crooked, half tired smile, the one he adored.
" Hey" he whispered.
" How have you been? She asked.
" How do you think?"
" I haven't felt you around lately" she confessed.
" I told you I'd be there when you needed me, seems like you need me seldom nowadays."
" That's not true. I miss you."
" Do you?"
She did not answer,  sipped the remaining red wine from the glass she was holding instead.
" Can you do me a favour?" She asked.
" Anything you want."  he said.
" Would you stay if I open my eyes? Please don't vanish. I don't even remember your face. Let me see you, just once." She pleaded.
" I can't.  You know that. "
" But....."
" When was the last time we met?" He asked
" I don't know, a month, two months....." She guessed.
" Hmm. You didn't answer me. "
" What?"
" Do you really miss me?"
" I do."
" Then take me back."
" It's not that easy. " she sighed.
" It's always that easy. "
" Tell me something, will you love again?" She asked.
" No"
" Why not?"
" I just can't"
" How can you be so sure? I want you to be happy. You will get other women who would want you."
" Oh, trust me, that I have."
" Then what's wrong?"
" Nothing. They are not YOU."
" How did we fall apart? I loved you. And you loved me too. "
A tear rolled down her well defined cheek.
" We did. Still do. "
" Then why?"
She felt his comforting arms round her. She winced as the soft broad fingers wiped her tears and held her hands. Her eyes remained closed.
" You remember what lesson we learnt from this, don't you?" He asked.
She nodded.
" Love alone is never enough to keep 'US' alive." They both echoed.
She opened her eyes to an empty terrace.
 The stars and moon still shined distantly, as they both stared into the sky, from a hundred miles away from each other.