I went down to the crossroads, tried to flag a ride.
Nobody seemed to know me, everybody passed me by.

Friday, 16 January 2015

To be back

Someone said to me today, blog not for people to read, but for you to feel good. And I could not believe how much sense it made. I blogged for the last time more than a year back and somehow stopped. Maybe because of the creative block I am going through. But as I logged in today, it felt the same as turning some pages of a long lost diary which contained some thoughts and feelings you almost forgot existed. And I ended up deciding, I shall blog, no matter how meaningless or how crazy the things I write might turn out to be. I shall not be writing for you, or for him, or for her. I shall write for myself. Writing makes me feel good about myself, makes me feel confident. Being me, I really rely on my diary and notebooks more than friends or people for sharing thoughts and feelings. And when I desperately search for words to express those thoughts,and not get them when I need them, that is the most helpless anyone can ever feel. My thoughts wander from blogging to being helpless, but I guess that is the thing about writing, you can always let your thoughts wander freely, specially when you know that what you write will not even be read probably by anyone you know. So I decide to start blogging again. To seek refuge. To feel good. To know that maybe somewhere, someone will read these thoughts and relate to it. Maybe, somehow my voice would reach out to people I would never be able to reach otherwise. So, you see, this is like the message you send in a bottle, and never know who it reaches, or if it at all reaches anybody...... It's all a maybe...